Presidential Elections
1. Which statement about the electoral college system is accurate?

(1) The number of electoral votes a state receives is based on its geographic size.
(2) A candidate can be elected president without the majority of the popular vote.
(3) Presidential candidates are forced to campaign equally in every state.
(4) The total number of electoral votes has increased with each census.

2. The emergence of third political parties such as the Know-Nothing Party, the Greenback Party, and the Prohibition Party indicates that

(1) basic democratic values are often rejected by many United States citizens
(2) a single powerful issue can mobilize political activity
(3) third parties have failed to influence governmental policies
(4) minor political parties are usually formed by strong leaders

3. To win a presidential election, a candidate must win a

(1) two-thirds vote of the state legislatures
(2) two-thirds vote in Congress
(3) majority of the popular vote
(4) majority of the electoral college vote

Base your answer to question 4 on the chart below and on your knowledge of social studies.

Political Party     Presidential Nominee      Electoral College Vote       Electoral College Vote Percent      Popular Vote Number        Popular Vote Percent  
Republican             George W. Bush                   271                                        50.4                                 50,456,062                              47.9  
Democratic               Albert Gore, Jr.                   266                                        49.4                                 50,996,582                             48.4  
Green                       Ralph Nader                        0                                            0.0                                   2,858,843                               2.7  

4. Which generalization about United States presidential elections is most clearly supported by the data in this chart?

(1) A candidate can win the election without a majority of the popular vote.
(2) Third-party candidates have no effect on presidential elections.
(3) Electoral college votes determine the will of the majority of voters.
(4) Voter participation in national elections is declining.

5. A major criticism of the electoral college is that it

(1) limits the influence of the two-party political system
(2) allows a president to be elected without a majority of the popular vote
(3) forces each political candidate to campaign in every state
(4) makes the federal election process too expensive

6. "Presidential Candidates Skip Campaigning in Low- Population States”; “Winner Of Popular Vote Loses Election” These headlines refer to controversial issues most directly related to

(1) judicial review
(2) the electoral college
(3) impeachment
(4) checks and balances