Presidential Elections
Question 1: Which statement about the electoral college system is accurate?  -
answer choice (2) A candidate can be elected president without the majority of the popular vote.
Why? -

Question 2: The emergence of third political parties such as the Know-Nothing Party, the Greenback Party, and the Prohibition Party indicates that -
answer choice (2) a single powerful issue can mobilize political activity.
Why? -

Question 3: To win a presidential election, a candidate must win a -
answer choice (4) majority of the electoral college vote
Why? -

Question 4: Which generalization about United States presidential elections is most clearly supported by the data in this chart? -
answer choice (1) A candidate can win the election without a majority of the popular vote.
Why? -

Question 5: A major criticism of the electoral college is that it
answer choice (2) allows a president to be elected without a majority of the popular vote
Why? -

Question 6: "Presidential Candidates Skip Campaigning in Low- Population States”; “Winner Of Popular Vote Loses Election” These headlines refer to controversial issues most directly related to
answer choice (2) the electoral college
Why? -